For the pigeon fanciers with only a limited amount of time to spend on their loft, the Natural Granulated Floorcovering is the ideal help.
The Natural Granulated Floorcovering is a natural product consisting of lava drawn from the subsoil.
The treatment and the granulation of this particularly porous substance offer it an exceptional absorbing power: 1 kg of granules can easily absorb 1 litre of water.
Thanks to this the Natural Granulated Floorcovering guarantees perfect hygiene in the loft. When the pigeon’s droppings fall on the granules, they dry in no time, which stops the contamination cycle by parasites.
The use of Natural Granulated Floorcovering practically stops maturation of the oocysts of coccidiosis and of the eggs of the ascarids. Moreover, the granules absorb the smell of the droppings.
When small birds eject liquid droppings, some granules can be strewn around the nest bowls to absorb the humidity and the odors. The Natural Granulated Floorcovering maintains its absorbing capacity for a very long time, which makes it economic to use. It can stay in the loft for one year provided it is raked weekly.
When the granules and droppings are removed from the loft they can be used as an excellent fertilizer in the vegetable and flower garden.
The Natural Granulated Floorcovering is harmless to pigeons. It is the ideal formula to keep your loft dry and clean. Young birds love to lay down in Natural Granulated Floorcovering. Their droppings dry quickly, and their feet are always clean.
Natural Granulated Floorcovering - a bag of 20 kg covers 1,5m2